Sunday, September 12, 2010

Florida Stufff #2

What's he doing?
He's kayaking. What's kayaking?
It's using a kayak to move across the water.
What's that in his hands?
That's called a paddle.
What kind of kayak is that?
That one is made for oceans.
Are there different types of kayaks?
Yes, there are several types of kayak. 
Is he kayaking in the ocean?
Yes, we can kayak almost anywhere.
Have you ever tried kayaking?

What's this?
It's a map.
It's a map of what?
This is a hurricane map.
What's a hurricane?
A hurricane is like a typhoon.
What does this map show?
It show the paths of the hurricane.
Which is the hurricane?
Igor is the hurricane.
What's #12?
That's a tropical storm.
How's it different from a hurricane?
Storms differ by wind speed.
A hurricane has stronger wind speeds than a tropical storm.


What are those?
Those are sea horses.
Is it a real horse?
No, it's not. Do you know what it is?
No, I don't, please tell me.
It's really a fish.
Is it native to Florida?
Yes, it is.
What do they eat?
They eat small crustaceans.
Do you like crustaceans? Yes, I do.
Where are sea horses found?
They are found throughout the world.
How many species of sea horse are there?
There are over 40 species of sea horse.

Have a nice day!!!

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