Monday, August 9, 2010

It's the chupacabra or is it?

What do you think? Was it the monster or not?
Look at this picture. Does the creature look like this?

Or does the creature look more like this?
I think it looks more this creature.
Do you remember what this is?


What's this?
It's a limpkin.
What's a limpkin? It's a wading bird.

Another bird.
This one is an ordinary seagull.

More birds? What's that one called?
That's the cormorant.
It's a diving bird.
It was a busy morning. First, I saw the chupacabra.
What? That wasn't the chupacabra, it was a raccoon?
Yes, that's right. It was a raccoon.
Afterwards, there were all kinds of animals in the inlet.
Birds, fish and dolphins.

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