Sunday, October 24, 2010

Florida Stuff 8

What kind of a spaceship is that?     It's an exprimental orbital spacecraft.
What company makes it?                It's made by Virgin Galactic.
Does this ship fly now?                   No, this one will be ready next year.
Where did it take off from?             It was the Mojave desert.
Is that in California?                       Yes, that's right.

This spacecraft is still in the testing phase. It will be ready for passengers next year.
 It will cost a lot of money to ride in it. This is the start of the commercial space business.
Is this a monster?   Some people think so.
What kind of fish is it?    It's a barracuda.
Do they attack?  Yes, sometimes they do.
What should I do?   Avoid wearing shiny objects.
Is this fish good to eat?    Yum,yum, yes it is. 

The barracuda is a sleek and fast predator.   
It's mostly a scavenger but sometimes it hunts.
The barracuda can be dangerous.
If you see it, leave it alone.
But if you catch it, we'll have a BBQ. 

Where's Harry Potter?    He's at Universal Studios.
What city is it in?   It's in Or-lan-do, Florida. 
Are his friends there?    Yes, all his friends are there.
Have you read his books?   Yes, I have.
Have you ever seen one of the movies?  No, I haven't.

Harry Potter world opened this past June.
It already has been a success. It's located
in Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.
There are many things to see and do there.
I want to go to the water parks at
Universal Studios.

What year is this picture?  It's the year 1513.
Who's that guy in the green shirt?    That's Ponce de Leon.
Who are the other people?   They are Florida Native Americans.
What are they talking about?  They are talking about fishing.
Why's this important?  That man discovered Florida.

It was April 2nd, 1513 when Ponce de Leon
sailing from Puerto Rico
landed in Florida near present day NASA.
Did they know the native language?
I wonder how they communicated.
Ponce named the 'island' La Florida.
That means 'Land of Flowers'.

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