Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Florida Stuff 10

Why didn't the shuttle launch?   There was a problem.
Why can't it go now?                 The problem needs to be fixed.
Didn't it lift off?                        No, not yet.
Aren't you going to go?              Yes, I'll go soon.   
Weren't you going to go?           No, I wasn't


Why can't I swim?          It's too dangerous.
Isn't this dangerous?                Yes, it's dangerous.
Can't you go around?        Yes, I can.
Aren't you going to do something?      Yes, I will do something.
Shouldn't we go around?                  Yes, we should go around.


Why isn't the baby croc happy?     It doesn't like it.
Why can't I do it?                         You don't have any crocs.
Isn't this illegal?                            Yes, it is.
Won't you let me try?                    No, I won't.
Weren't you going there?               Yes, I was.

Don't you like this picture?                   Yes, I do.
Isn't this a nice picture?                        Yes, it is.
Why can't I have this flower?                Because, it's not yours.
Aren't you going to pick this flower?      Yes, I am.
Why don't the bees like this flower?       It's not their favorite color.

Who didn't come to the meeting?            Several people didn't come.
Where didn't he go?                               He didn't go to China.
Who won't go?                                      We all won't go.
Weren't they going to Alaska?                Yes, they were.
Doesn't she like him?                             No, she doesn't.

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