Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alexsis and the Dragon Episode 4 Into the Dark (録音!クリックHere!)

Alexsis and the Dragon had spoken at length. The sun had set and the moon had risen when the dragon was satisfied with the bargain he had made with Alexsis. With a leap, the dragon jumped in the air. Quickly he gained altitude. As he faded into the evening sky, Alexsis wondered if the bargain she had made with the dragon would save her people. At any result, Alexsis' fate was doomed. Win the war and Alexsis would still have to pay the dragon's price. Lose? Well ...there was no choice here.
It was win or die.
    The moon was high when Alexsis stepped out of the pagoda. A chill ran up her spine when she heard the cries of the wolves. They were still far up the mountain. But she knew their intentions.
They would come for her, and fast. She began to run. She needed to hurry back to the castle. The Tyrant's army was approaching. She commanded the defending forces and without her the army's chance were slim. Even with Alexsis, the chances for survival were not good. The Tyrant would assualt the castle at daybreak. Now, was not the time for wolves. She quickened her pace.

The wolves raced down the mountain. The leader had scented Alexsis and
quickened his pace. She was running but there was no scent of fear. The women was running from them but for what reason? " No matter" thought the wolf ," She would be dead shortly." The leader crested a small rise up to a level plain. About 200 meters ahead, he could see the women. There were 5 wolves all together. No reason at all to fear a single female human. The Tyrant had sent them. The wolves had been made promises. The pack pressed on. Alexsis knew she was running for her life. But she could not delay. The wolves were getting closer now...closer.

Next week:  Episode 5  - Separate ways

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