Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's goin' on with that Turtle?

Take a look at that lady as she tries to help the turtle.
What's she doing with that branch?
She's pointing the way for the turtle?
I don't think the turtle understands.
It's very good of her to help but maybe
it was a little bit dangerous for her.

     In the last picture she looks like she's talking
to the turtle like its a dog. What did she say?
"Here turtle, turtle, come here."
Does anyone know how to speak the language of turtles?
Let's ask for help from our friend.
Who's our friend? You remember him. Yes

It's Mr. Gopher Turtle from Florida.

A   Hi Mr Turtle, Can you help
GT Yes, I speak his language.
A   Thank you Mr. Gopher Turtle.
      By the way, what kind of turtle
      is he?
GT He's a common American
      mud turtle.

I don't think the lady can call the turtle.
But it's fun to try.
What kind of sounds would a turtle make?

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