Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ft. Pierce Inlet State Park フロリダ州の自然保護公園 Part 1

Wow, another exciting place to go to. This is a state park and a nature preserve(自然保護地域). This park is divided in 2 areas. Let's look at the map.

Look for Shorewinds Dr. right in the middle of the map.
Did you find it? It runs from east to west.
The green area to the north is "Jack's Island",
to the south of the road is "Dynamite Point". 
Let's go visit Jack's Island, first. 
Cross the causeway. Then turn left on A1A. 

Look at that small sign! That's it. Why is this entrance so hidden?
Well,quickly turn to the left.

OK, I found it! This is it. It was hard to find. We are about to enter a mangrove eco-system (マングローブ湿地帯). This going to be exciting. Please read Part 2 Tomorrow. See you!

What does "inlet" mean in Japanese?  

1 comment:

  1. Dear teacher
    I examined "inlet".

    inret means "irie" in Japanese.

    1.kanji/pronunciation/means/Japanese sentence for explanation
    1.入江/iri-e/Place where sea or lake, etc. entered land./ 海・湖などが陸地にはいりこんだ所。
