Monday, November 29, 2010

Otter Attack

Boca Raton Florida- Two people have been bitten by an otter.
It's reported to be aggressive and roaming the Boca Raton area.
The Health Department has said the animal could have rabies.
This is the 3rd incident this month in the area. The otter is in
the canals. Watch out! Stay away!

News Nov29th

Wikileaks releases secret US documents
That's the Wikileaks guy. His name is Assange.
He leaked the secrets to major newspapers world-wide.
He also posted the secrets on the internet Sunday.
He maybe living in England.

Who's that? .
What did he do?
When did he do it? 
Where is he now?
Why did he do it?
How did he do it?

Discovery Repairs continue

Discovery sits at the launch pad under going repairs.
There's nothing happening with Discovery
for the next few days.

from Florida
under delay
by rocket

College Football
The University of Florida (the Gators) and
Florida State University(the Seminoles)met
in a college football game on Saturday. It's an important
event for both universities.
The Seminoles defeated the Gators 37-7.
There was a big crowd in Tallahassee.

What, who, where, when, why

Florida Birds
It's a dinosaur,run! No, it's not. It's a Spoonbill.
His nickname is 'Spoony'. This bird is native to Florida.
Spoony wades in the water in the early morning.
He's looking for food. The Spoonbill
uses its' bill to feed.

What, who, where, when, why, how

Harry Potter movie remains number 1
The new Harry Potter movie was number 1 again
over the weekend. Sales were over 50 million for
the week in the US. World-wide sales have topped
600 million. I hear the movie is very good. have you
seen it?

What, who, where, when, why, how

Hurricane Season
November 30th is the last official day of the hurricane season.

Have a nice day

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Very Early Seaplanes

How old is it?
It's pre-Disney.

Here's another one.

It's a Curtis flying boat.
That's not a seaplane. What is it?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Feathered Dinosaurs

Did dinosaurs have feathers?
Were dinos like birds?
Are birds descendant from dinos?
Is a chicken a dinosaur?
What do you think?

This one is strange looking.

Have a nice day


On March 28th, 1910, the first successful seaplane take-off from
water happened at Martinque, France. The seaplane was flown
by its inventor, Henri Fabre. A powerful engine powered the first flight.
The first flight went about 600 meters. The name of the plane was
"Le Canard". It means 'duck'. On Jan. 26th, 1911, Glenn Curtiss made
 the first seaplane flight in America. Curtiss invented many flying
boats and airplanes. On March 27th, 1919, a U.S. Navy seaplane
made the first transatlantic flight.

What who where when why how
Have a nice Day!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can we eat it?

Yes. we can!

It's a Red Fish. Yum Yum.
What's next?
Try this please.

Yea! Shrimp!
I'm hungry. How about you?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Flying bird & Rajasaurus

That's a Great Blue Huron.
It's native to Florida.
Where ya goin'?

This is a new species of dinosaur.
What family of dinosaurs is this from?
Where was it discovered? In India.
Was it a scavenger?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Blast Off

Last night, a Delta 5 rocket launched from the Kennedy
Space Center. The rocket will deliver the 'World's largest satellite'
into orbit. The massive rocket lifted off the Cape Canaveral launch
pad at 5:58pm EST. The giant rocket is called a Delta Heavy Rocket.

The satellite is classified as secret. So we don't know
what it does. What do you think it does?


How are you?
What's new?
What's happening?
What's going on?
How have you been? (lately)
What's been happening?
What've you been doing?
I haven't seen(talked to) you for a while.
It's been a while since I last talked to you.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ancient Florida

24,000 years ago Florida was much bigger than today.
The coasts were jungle and mangrove swamps. There were
great forests of trees. In the interior, the weather was drier.
Great rivers flowed from the center of Florida to the coasts.

All the plants in this picture are mangrove.
There are four different types of mangrove in this picture.
Mangrove plants like a mix of sea water and fresh water.
This is known as brackish water.
The birds in the picture are Ospreys...
I have a question.
Yes, please go ahead.
Are you sure those are Ospreys?
Yes, I am. Why don't you think they are?
Because an Osprey has a black patch on its eyes.
What do you think?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The new Harry Potter movie

The new Harry Potter movie opened across
the country Friday. Theaters were crowded
with Harry's fans. The 1st weekend recorded
over $24 million in sales. It's the number one
movie currently.
Watch out Harry!
Lord Voltemort is coming for you.
He's going to kick your dog again.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Surfin' Whales

If everybody had an ocean...
Across the USA...
Then everybody'd be surfin'...
Like California.
These whales were photographed surfin'
in New Zealand.

"Does anybody know what kind of an animal I am?"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Harry Potter Movie

This Friday the seventh Harry Potter
movie opens in threatres around the world.
It will be a big day for fans.
This is the 7th movie but there will be
2 more after this.

Here's a flower to look at.

What kind of animal is this?
Do you know?

If you know, please contact me.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Meteor shower

The above picture is of Mt. Fuji during a meteor shower.
Meteors are objects that enter the atmosphere at high speeds.
Most meteors are very small.
Here's a picture of a man observing meteors in Alabama.
These meteors are Leonids.
It occurs November 17th every year.
The Leonid meteor shower was very active this year.
This is a picture of the night sky from Florida.
Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

Do you know the difference between a croc and a gator?
Let's look at this picture below.
What are these?
These are animal skulls.
Which is the croc?
The crocs' head is pointed.
So the skull on the right is the croc.
Head shape is not the only difference.
What are some other differences?
Where was this picture taken? It was in the Everglades.
Alligator can tolerate cold weather better than a crocodile.
Crocs live only on the southern tip of Florida.
Alligators can be found throughout Florida.

What else is different?
Alligators prefer fresh water.
The crocodile likes to live in brackish or salt water.

I hoped you liked this.
If you have any questions about these animals,
please contact me.

Can you tell the difference?
Is this a gator or a croc?

Have a Great Day!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Blue Spring State Park

What is it? It's a Florida State Park and natural spring.
It's also a manatee refuge.

Where is it?
It's located on the St. Johns river
in Volusia county Florida.
Where is Volusia?
It's in central Florida near the Atlantic ocean.

When is it?
The park is open all year 8am until sundown.

Why go there?
It's a natural spring with a constant temperature.
The water is very clear.
Manatees also come here in great number
during the winter.

How is it?
It's great. Swimming, floating and diving are permitted.
However, swimming with the manatees is not permitted.

How far is it from your house?
It's about 30 minutes by car.
Weekends are crowded so we will
go there on a weekday.

Have a nice day!
"Manatees in the Mist" 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hi my friends, how are you?
I was sick for a couple of days.
Sorry, I didn't make any blog entrees.
This picture is of trained dolphins in Florida.
Several of the trained dolphins have been released into the wild.
Interesting, wild dolphins have learned the tricks that
captive dolphins do. Isn't that amazing!

Well, I'm feeling better so I'll be sure to write some more tomorrow.

Have a Great day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quill Leaf

The Everglades. That's a white huron in front of Cypress trees.

This is an interesting plant.
Because it's growing on the side of the tree.
It's called a Quill Leaf.

This is a Bird of Paradise.
Don't you like it?

There's lot's of mangrove.
And other things,too!
'In the Glades'

Both pictures are sawgrass. Stay away.
Shouldn't we go around? Yes, we should.

Don't go in there!

And finally,
it's a Blue Flag Iris.
Is it from the Glades?
Yes, yes.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Harry Potter Movie Coming

Get ready. It's another Harry Potter movie.
This we be the seventh movie.
Here's Harry. He looks a lot older now.

Here's the bad guy.
In think it's Lord Volemort.

The new movie is titled,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
This is only part one so there are 2 more movies to come.