DV: Hi, how are you?
Shady: Welcome. What's your nane?
DV: I'm Darth Vadar, dark lord of the Sith.
Shady: No your not, your a pug in a halloween
DV: Be careful. I may strike you down.
Shady: That's a nice costume. It's scary.
DV: Thanks, I bought it at Wal-mart.
Shady: You bought it?
DV: Yes it was on sale. My real name is Pug Puggins,
Shady: Thank you very much Mr. Puggins.
DV: May the force be with you.
halloween costume- ハロウイーンの衣装
scary- 怖い
real name- 実名
on sale- 特価
strike down- (人)を殴り倒す
bought- 買いました
DV: May the force be with you.
halloween costume- ハロウイーンの衣装
scary- 怖い
real name- 実名
on sale- 特価
strike down- (人)を殴り倒す
bought- 買いました